Wednesday, October 13, 2010

One Laptop Per Child

I recently came across the article/website discussing the idea and start of one laptop per child. Although this campaign ran a couple of years ago, this was the first time I had heard about it. The laptops are called XO laptops. The mission of the OLPC, the company who is building these unique laptops, is to provide educational opportunities for students in developing countries.  The computers are unique in themselves.  They are small, low maintenance and provide a way for students to learn and collaborate with each other and connect with the world. In addition to these features, the computers are low cost ($100) and low power, making it easier to distribute these computers to the poorest children in the most rugged environmental conditions.  Some children have to attend school outside where the sun is shining right in the students faces.  The computer screens are still visible even in direct sunlight.  I think these computers are an awesome thing and hope that in the next few years, the impact these laptops are having on childrens' education will be able to be seen. OLPC has a separate website which includes news and updates about the distribution of the XO laptops.  OLPC News.

Here is a picture of the laptops that the children are receiving. 

Watch the video below to learn more about OLSP's mission statement and to grasp the XO laptop in a nutshell!

Image used with permission from by Wayan Vota

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