Friday, October 22, 2010

Learning in Hand

With the vast advancements in technology, new gadgets and tools are being introduced continuously. I came across the website Learning in Hand which discussed how teachers can use these tools to benefit learning in their classroom, or they can ban them.  Where we used to have have the Walkman and CD players, we now have iPods, iPod Touches, the iPad, and laptops.  
Macbook laptop
iPod touch
There are so many great tools and options on these devices that can be used in the classroom to promote student learning.  I can also see how many teachers would be nervous about using these tools in the classroom, because they are also a distraction.  It would be hard to monitor what your child is using the gadget for, and if they are focusing on their school work instead of playing a game. The website called this type of learning mobile learning, which was also called m-learning.  I have never heard that term used before but it makes sense! These new technologies have the potential to really advance learning in the classroom! 

I found a website called iSchool, which has a lot of great applications for an iPod or iPad that students can use in the classroom or at home to work on their homework.   One application that I think would be handy to use for some of my current classes was the flashcard application.  It makes flashcards for you that you can study from.  This would be nice so you don't have to carry around note cards!

Images in this blog in order of appearance are used with permission by: by FalkPhotoDesign by Sir Stig

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